Book Review:
Elizabeth and Neil Carmen continue to expand our concept of “lifespan” with their third book this carefully-researched volume will take you to previously unexplored territory. As in their previous book, Cosmic Cradle, they investigate the spiritual dimensions of life before birth. This book is also well-grounded in the exploration of life in utero. In making the case for prenatal consciousness, they present evidence from leaders in the field of prenatal and perinatal psychology, from David Chamberlain and Thomas Verny to Wendy Anne McCarty, Laura Uplinger, Marcy Axness, and many others. As students of prenatal and perinatal psychology, you will see the names of many researchers and scholars in the field with whom you are very familiar and others you will want to get to know better. For example, the work of Dr. Akira Ikegawa and others in Japan may be new to you. As part of a movement called Unite the World, they are getting the word out about the testimonials of young children regarding their prenatal memories. Dr. Ikegawa has interviewed more than 3,500 children since beginning his research in 1999. Many of his interview results are cited in Babies are Cosmic.