Ethical Considerations in Pre- and Perinatal Psychology Education


Prenatal and perinatal psychology as a field of practice an emerging discipline in the healing arts. The development of a code of ethics is a marker of this maturity. This paper was developed for the Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health as part of its certification program for educators. It identifies specific concerns for these educators and for the field of practice as a whole, specifically the acknowledgement that education about early imprints can be an intervention in itself, and that there is a continuum with the prenatal and perinatal psychology and health profession from educator to practitioner. Educators need to be clear that they are disseminating information only and be able to recognize where information crosses over into practice and, thus, when to refer learners. A unique set of Principles developed by Ray Castellino is offered as a structure for ethical conduct, along with codes of ethics from childbirth educators, and education in general. Conclusions invite readers and professionals in this unique field to develop a code of ethics for practice. Key words: Pre and perinatal psychology; ethics, childbirth, education, consciousness.

Volume: 28
Issue: 3
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