Implications of Perceived Control for Recovery from Childbirth for Unplanned Cesarean, Planned Cesarean, and Vaginal Deliveries


This study examines relationships between perceptions of control, postpartum
depression, and physiological symptoms in women who gave birth vaginally or by cesarean. Extrapolating from
a cognitive framework, it was hypothesized that women who gave birth by cesarean would exhibit lower levels
of perceived control and higher levels of depression and physiological symptoms as compared with women who
gave birth vaginally. Results were supportive of the hypotheses, suggesting that it may be helpful to explore
ways of assisting women to experience greater control over their childbirth. Future research should assess the
desire for and the value placed on perceptions of control in childbirth. KEY WORDS: Childbirth, control,
caesarean, postpartum depression.

Volume: 19
Issue: 3
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