Interview with Suzanne Arms


Bio: Suzanne Arms is an author, teacher, photojournalist, practical visionary and activist.
She is a mother and grandmother, and strong and vocal supporter of APPPAH, a champion
of midwifery and empowered women and a passionate and compassionate speaker. The
second of her seven books, Immaculate Deception: A New Look at Childbirth, was named a
best Book of the Year by the New York Times in 1975 and sold over 250,000 copies. Arms
received a Lamaze Lifetime Achievement Award and was named A Living Treasure by
Mothering Magazine for her work as an agent of change. Arms is working to bring an
understanding of the critical nature of the primal period to the professionals and the public,
and to help transform how we bring babies into the world and how we shape the architecture
of the human brain and the mother-baby bond. In 2003, she founded Birthing The Future, a
nonprofit which creates educational media and hosts international symposia and roundtables
on the roots of love and violence, wellbeing, and illness, from which she also makes films. Her
one-hour documentary, BIRTH, about what needs to change in maternity units in hospital –
and why, and how – will be released in 2015. [ ]Contact Arms at
[email protected].

Volume: 29
Issue: 3
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