Awareness may be suppressed in more than 90% of childbirths today, as a
basis for the overuse of other medical interventions in the labor and delivery process. Current childbirth
education programs offered by the medical establishment support the prevalent use of risky procedures that
may impair biological and psychological health. The quality of awareness in the pregnant woman and the womb
child may be the most essential value pivotal to needed decisive change in childbirth medicine and education.
The medical paradigm has been expanding, allowing the possibility of specific changes in childbirth protocol and
education. Quantum physics, meditation science, and psychological science offer insights into the nature of
awareness at the moment of conception. New childbirth education curriculums may include advanced natural
childbirth methods based on meditation that can access and protect innate awareness. KEY WORDS:
awareness, childbirth education, consciousness, meditation, holistic, mind/body, incarnation