Association Between Adverse Childhood Experience Scores and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Pregnant and Postpartum People


Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are associated with numerous adverse health outcomes, including risky sexual behaviors and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in non-pregnant individuals. However, limited data exist on the relationship between high ACE scores (≥ 4) and STIs during pregnancy. This study evaluated the association between high ACE scores and STI positivity among 855 pregnant and postpartum individuals. Using logistic regression, we assessed STI diagnoses (lower genital tract infections, HIV, syphilis, HSV, and hepatitis C) relative to ACE scores. Results indicated that high ACE scores were associated with increased odds of lower genital tract infection during pregnancy in univariate analysis but not in adjusted models. Additionally, no significant association was found between high ACE scores and overall STI positivity or hepatitis C infection. While high ACE scores were prevalent in the cohort (37%), further research is needed to determine if ACE scores can be used in screening for STIs during pregnancy.

Keywords: pregnancy, adverse childhood experiences, ACE score, sexually transmitted infections, STI, lower genital tract infection, risky sexual behaviors, maternal health, hepatitis C

Volume: 38
Issue: 3
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