Conscious Conception: Foundations of Emotional Development and Considerations for Professionals Working with Families


Abstract: Conscious conception encompasses physical, emotional, spiritual, and practical considerations that prepare parents to welcome, nurture, and parent their baby, and that form foundations for bonding and secure attachment. Parents’ thoughts and feelings before, at, and after conception and discovery of pregnancy influence the baby’s developing core beliefs of self, relationships, and the world. Parents’ abilities to differentiate their thoughts and feelings from those of the baby are critical to the baby’s developing felt sense of emotional safety and optimal development of self. Differentiation of thoughts and feelings also provides a foundation for healing and repairing ruptures within the parent-baby relationship. Very early needs for belonging, love, and support can be met with optimal very early parenting. The discussion of conscious parenting highlights five specific considerations for the work of professionals working with families with babies and young children.

Volume: 33
Issue: 4
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