How Birthing Professionals Can Include Early Consciousness in Pregnancy and Birthing


The subject of prenatal consciousness should be considered outside of the very limiting arena of the American abortion debate. The recognition of prenatal consciousness as well as the reclamation of one’s own early consciousness is important for us all, and in particular for birthing professionals. Birthing professionals would be well served, both personally and as professionals, if they inquired into their own prenatal and birth journey dynamics and imprints as these dynamics often affect their professional behavior. All training curriculums for birthing professionals should include a compulsory prenatal and perinatal psychology and health section. This would offer both intellectual content and experiential opportunities for birth professionals to learn about their own journey into life, as well as how to integrate this new information into their professional practice. Several concrete examples of prenatal consciousness in action are provided in this article.

Volume: 27
Issue: 4
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