Nature, Nurture and Human Development


The role of nature-nurture must be reconsidered in light of the Human
Genome Project’s surprising results. Conventional biology emphasizes that human expression is controlled by
genes, and is under the influence of nature. Since 95% of the population possess “fit” genes, dysfunctions in
this population are attributable to environmental influences (nurture). Nurture experiences, initiated in utero,
provide for “learned perceptions.” Along with genetic instincts, learned perceptions constitute the life-shaping
subconscious mind. The conscious mind, which functions around age six, operates independently of the
subconscious. Conscious mind can observe and criticize behavioral tapes, yet cannot “force” a change in
subconscious mind. One of the perennial controversies that tends to evoke rancor among biomedical scientists
concerns the role of nature versus nurture in the unfoldment of life (Lipton, 1998a).

Volume: 16
Issue: 2
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