This study of 302 Israeli women was a secondary analysis conducted to: (1)
examine the associations between negative pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum
experiences; (2) determine whether exposure to childhood sexual abuse, domestic
violence and fertility problems are related to reproductive experiences and (3) identify
among these variables potential predictors of negative childbirth experiences and
postpartum depression (PPD). Pregnancy-related fears increased and prior fertility
problems decreased the likelihood of negative childbirth experiences. The strongest
predictors of a negative first childbirth experience were Caesarian section and vacuum
extraction. Child sexual abuse and the number of negative childbirth experiences were
significant predictors of PPD. Implications for health care providers are discussed.
Controlled trials reveal that, from before conception, nutrient deficits and
toxins affect sperm, ovum, and maternal stores, lastingly impairing a child’s health and
abilities. Deficits, toxins, and stress can inhibit structure and function, and be linked
to autism or reduced self-control, possibly with violent tendencies. From the beginning,
epigenetic settings are mostly set early for directing development according to current
environment. Many are operative in the brain. Nutritional diversion from our
evolutionary path, too sudden for genetic adaptation, is resulting in pandemics
including mental disorders, cardiovascular problems, obesity, and diabetes.
Understanding and practice of nutritional and emotional nurture round the lifecycle
helps to fulfill genetic potential. Tracing from the Big Bang, the emergence of elements,
nutrients, and cells, providing for the diversity of evolving life, we can see ourselves in
context and the biosphere’s and our own mutual needs. Vital to both to meet prime
needs is a further agricultural revolution, this time of estuary and ocean beds. This
article presents the scientific basis for urgent action in this area.
Key Words: Nutrient, emotion, conception, development, brain, evolution, biochemistry,
environment, epigenetics