Prenatal Bonding (BA) is a method of supporting pregnancy that enables a
pregnant mother to connect with her unborn child and opens the possibility of mutual
communication between the gestational parent and her yet-to-be-born baby. Over time, these
communications develop patterns that result in a growing sense of emotional connection,
enabling them to experience birth together as a team, something that had never been
considered possible by most people, including birth professionals, medical healthcare
providers, and psychologists. This retrospective study reviewed the birth outcomes of 295
women who received this method of support during their pregnancies. Results showed that
after Prenatal Bonding (BA) facilitation, the need for birth interventions and Cesarean
sections are reduced, and breastfeeding rates are increased, while preterm birth, postpartum
depression, and infantile colic are exceedingly rare. Because they have already created a
connection, the postpartum period becomes a new phase of an existing relationship