Recreating Ourselves: Ground-Breaking Research for a New Humanity


The intention of this paper is to introduce interdisciplinary research
challenging the foundations of self-growth fields and leading to the birth of a new
humanity. The paper briefly summarizes relevant literature and introduces new adult
verbal and nonverbal typologies with origins in four key preverbal developmental
stages (conception, prenatal, birth and bonding). Interdisciplinary contributing fields
included are embryology, neurobiology, attachment theory, body-centered
psychotherapy, somatic psychology, and prenatal and perinatal psychology. Recent brain
research is introduced as are concepts of ‘essence interruption’, ‘imprinting’ and
‘triggering’ to provide a theoretical framework. Finally, findings are applied to one
group: parents.
KEYWORDS: Conception, prenatal, birth, bonding, parenting, imprint, brain research,
attachment theory, preverbal, verbal and nonverbal typologies, triggering, essence
interruption, somatic psychology

Volume: 22
Issue: 4
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