All present-day neuroscience is cortico-centric. It’s all about the brain. The mind is left to philosophers or theologians to debate. Yet proponents of pre- and perinatal psychology know that we are more than just cells and hormones. While there is no doubt that the brain is material—that is, it can be seen, touched, and measured, and as such obeys Newtonian laws of physics (Classical Physics)—this materialistic approach is contradicted by hard scientific data from the cutting edge of academic scholarship on Quantum Physics. Quantum Physics stipulates that all matter is made of particles and waves, and in-between states called wavicles. It has taken us from “common sense” to “quantum non-locality”–revealing an ever more baffling reality. In view of very recent research in quantum biology particularly, by the phenomena of entanglement and non-locality, psychosomatic medicine, the placebo effect, and telepathy, prenatal communication between mother and child, as well as prenatal and birth memories can be understood.