The Function of Joy in Pregnancy


This article addresses the function and value of joy in pregnancy. Beginning
by addressing the lack of scientific studies of joy, moving on to discuss joy as depicted in art and poetry, then
delving into scientific studies of other emotions, the author leads us through the practical applications of this
knowledge to the wonderful conclusion that the function of joy in pregnancy is to protect the unborn child
against the effects of the harmful stress hormones and, further, that this ultimately affects the adult individual
and the culture as a whole. KEY WORDS: Pregnancy, joy, stress hormones, hormones of pregnancy.
INTRODUCTION It was a surprise when the organizer of a conference asked me to talk about ‘The function of
Joy in pregnancy’! Then I visualized the joyful faces of pregnant women at the end of a weekly singing group in
the maternity unit in Pithiviers, France. I often wondered (Odent, 1984) whether pregnant women and babies in
the womb would not get more out of coming to sing with us than from going to yet another prenatal examination.
In other words, I was tacitly raising questions about the function of joy in pregnancy.

Volume: 21
Issue: 4
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