Healthy Womb...

Healthy World

Where Our Story Begins

Healthy Womb...

Healthy World

Where Our Story Begins

Healthy Womb...

Healthy World

Where Our Story Begins

Healthy Womb...

Healthy World

Where Our Story Begins

Healthy Womb...

Healthy World

Where Our Story Begins

Womb Ecology becomes World Ecology

Birth Psychology is a field of study that explores the lifelong impact of our earliest experiences during pregnancy, birth and attachment.

These foundational relationships, in turn, impact our world in a profound way.

Discover APPPAH's Four Foundations of Birth Psychology in this short video:

New To Birth Psychology

Welcome! We are excited that you are curious to learn more about this growing field!  We have a variety of free resources you can access to learn more about birth psychology and the APPPAH community. We hope you will consider a membership with APPPAH for access to our peer reviewed journal, a year's worth of APPPAH Live recordings, and a deep discounts on a variety of education opportunities. We recommend starting with What Babies Want Film and Panel Discussion and  Seeing Birth from Baby's Perspective online course, and we would love to see you at one of our free weekly webinars- APPPAH Live: Exploring Birth Psychology!


Birth Professionals~ Mental Health Professionals ~ Body and Somatics Professionals ~ Medical Professionals

APPPAH is a community of educators, practitioners and researchers. We offer a certificate program for prenatal and perinatal educators, PPNE Certificate Program, along with other educational programs, a peer-reviewed journal, and a monthly member's networking session with global experts in the field of birth psychology to deepen your understanding and application of this vital principles in your work and life!

We invite all practitioners who have sufficient qualifications to join our Practitioner Directory.


Parents and Families

Our birth journey becomes an important part of our life journey. As adults we bring our earliest experiences with us into our own experiences of giving birth and parenting.  APPPAH offers education and support for integrating birth experience at all ages, whether we are expecting a new baby or raising adolescents.  We explore how events in our families' pasts create patterns which impact our parenting. You might start with our Nurturing Connections Parenting Course.

Each March we celebrate Birth Psychology Month with a free online Summit. We hope to see you there!

APPPAH offers education and resources

for all levels of interest in prenatal and perinatal psychology.

Become a member of APPPAH to connect with others interested in

expanding awareness of birth psychology in the world!

Imagine a World...

Where all babies feel welcome, seen and nurtured
beginning in the womb.

Where all pregnant women feel fully supported throughout
pregnancy, birth and the postpartum time.

Where all support members of the birth process are educated
about the impact of pregnancy and birth throughout our lives.

You can help make this happen!


Supporting our Mission
around the World

Stay in Touch!

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