Pregnancy as a Rite of Passage: Liminality, Rituals & Communitas


Pregnancy, a major life transition, significantly impacts aspects of a woman’s
physical, psychological and social self. Theoretical perspectives of pregnancy are
compared in terms of their utility. Using the theoretical frameworks of anthropologists
van Gennep and Turner pregnancy is viewed as liminal, a space between social
structures. Passage through pregnancy to parenthood is explored in its social context
as a rite of passage. Viewing pregnancy and birth as a liminal phase provides a
valuable framework for understanding normative and non-normative pregnancy
experiences. Case studies are presented, with application and analysis illustrating the
experience of liminality, and its inherent rituals and communitas.
Key Words: Pregnancy, rite of passage, liminality, rituals, communitas, personhood,
case studies

Volume: 24
Issue: 2
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