Join Christianna as she shares client cases and parent testimonials from her private practice that centers around supporting families through birth and recovery from birth. She will interview a couple who had a home birth and needed to transfer to the hospital. They will share their perspectives on the standards of care they received and the gaps of care in the healthcare system to handle the physical, emotional, and psychological fall-out that followed their discharge from the hospital. The couple will describe their journey to seek out alternative healthcare outside of the allopathic model and what benefits they discovered with Craniosacral therapy and psychosomatic energetic healing modalities that helped them return to normalcy. Their story is one of courage and faith as they put the pieces of their birth, their relationship, and the health of their daughter back together. 


Clients of Christianna: Somatic therapies for prenatal care, postpartum care, and healing from birth trauma, (Bruce and Jessica Ridge recover from birth trauma) & Alyssa DiMaio