Santhija joins us from India to share about her birth model to assist mothers in reaching states of bliss during their pregnancy to prepare for a safe birth and bond with their unborn child. ASHTANGA is a Mindfulness-Based Prenatal Bonding workshop inspired by the concepts of ‘Ashtanga Yoga’ as in Sage Patanjali’s‘ Yoga Sutra’. The bonding practices are divided into 7 stages/steps to reach the 8th stage or step of the Blissful Birthing Experience. The Inclusion of the structured and disciplined nature of ‘Ashtanga yoga’ into Mindfulness-based prenatal bonding practices can be a transformative and deeply rewarding practice that helps cultivate physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual Awareness. The practices are not physically demanding and not to be misunderstood as Hatha yoga, where you find those difficult yoga poses. The Whole Program is distributed over 8 weeks, where each week is specifically dedicated to each stage of Ashtanga Yoga as a Mindful means to connect to the unborn baby.